Monday, July 9, 2012

Turtle's short term goals...

It dawned on me at the beginning of the summer that one doesn't have to wait till the new year to make new goals. So, in realizing this I also lost an excuse as to why I haven't gotten off my gluteus maximus  in some departments of my life. I've decided meh, it's time to dust off some of those short term dreams. So this summer I plan to:

  1. Create a DIY project for customizing handbags and pack backs.
  2. Finally visit the Andy Warhol Museum 
  3. Find a pair of colored pants that aren't denim.
  4. Find a pair of funky patterned flats.
  5. Get my 2nd tattoo.
  6. Learn how to mix swanky cocktails. (Someone's turning 21 soon.)
  7. Finish the play I'm writing for Phaedra's club at our school.
  8. Ride my bike more...(which would require learning how to ride a bike)
  9. Kiss a dolphin (I'm headed to the Dominican Republic this week so this so may be in my very near future)
  10. Write more slam poetry
I'll be posting updates on all of these so hold me to it! 


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