Before my Mini-Big Chop
Luckily, I only had to cut about two inches off all of my hair, which is funny because that means I had been transitioning for about two years without even realizing it. It's been about a week since I have returned and I absolutely love my natural hair. De-tangling has becoming much easier since I no longer get as many knots as I had previously, also I've noticed that the volume of my hair has somehow increased dramatically. It's so big and beautiful!
After the mini-big chop - with Instagram!
I didn't realize how heavy my ends made my hair, so I was surprised by how much it popped up into this big chia-pet hair, but I love it and I was completely ready for the change. Now my journey can continue as I learn how to take care of my hair, and to love it even more than I do now (although every day that passes is a day that I love my hair even more).
Have you made the big chop yet? Or will you transition for a while? Also, any recommended styles will be greatly appreciated. Drop a comment, I'm interested to hear what you have to say!
- Bunny
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